About Us

Our Story
The Aegedius Law Group is the foremost innovative law firm, a leader in the practice of law. We are committed to building long-term relationships with clients, based on reciprocity, trust, and the highest standards of professional ethics. We are not afraid to stand out.
The Aegedius Law Group’s lawyers lean toward the bold, with their collective eye on the long run, embracing innovation and navigating the risks and opportunities of the evolving 21st-century legal arena—all while maintaining our reputation for an adynamic and approachable work environment that allows talented lawyers from diverse backgrounds to thrive and grow.
At the Aegedius Law Group, we understand that adding value in new ways is central to the overall client experience. Whether you need to meet a budget or are simply looking for greater predictability, we’ve created a transparent process to offer the right fee for value. We also understand that money isn’t the only thing you spend—we’ve developed tools to create efficiencies that save you time and energy and position the right people to help you achieve your goals.
At the end of the day, it’s your matter and The Aegedius Law Group puts you in the driver’s seat by inviting you to the planning table. You help set the parameters by working with us to define the scope of work. If that scope changes, you are part of the process. No more black boxes. No more surprises.
Our processes and philosophy empower you to be a valued partner in our ongoing efforts to help you handle challenges efficiently and effectively and achieve your business goals on your terms.